Hi, I have a web page that contains two lists (Unorders lists), I have to move items from list 1 to list 2 but to filter out items that are already in list 2. I'm using JQuery as js library. I know I can select all items to be moved to list 2, loop one by one and check if alredy exists in list 2, but was wandering if there is a way to do it in less lines of code using filter, :not, :has ... Here is a html structure:
<ul id="ulList_1">
<a href="#">item 1</a>
<a href="#">item 2</a>
<ul id="ulList_2">
<a href="#">item 2</a>
<a href="#">item 3</a>
<a href="#">item 4</a>
So, in this scenario I want to select only "item 1" since "item 2" already exists in "ulList_2", and append it to list 2 Thanks