I'm interested in simulating a number of clients attempting to invoke a WCF service simultaneously and I need to measure the average response time for each client. Are there any good tools available for load/stress testing WCF services which have multiple end points(wsHttp, netTCP etc). I've heard that SOAPUI is the most prevalent testing tool available but I'm not quite certain as to how much of a reach it has when it comes to testing WCF services since SOAPUI can consume the service only as a classic ASMX service(basicHttpBinding).
Though not directly relevant, the service is using Entity Framework behind the scenes to perform some Insert operations on a small object graph(5-10 entities) and I'm noticing that calling SaveChanges is not as fast as I'd like it to be. The scenario I have is a large number of clients invoking the service passing in a very small data set as input( an array of 50-10 int IDs)
PS - I'm not looking to use the WCF Test Client