





My database is located in e.g. california. My user table has all the user's timezone e.g. -0700 UTC

How can I adjust the time from my database server whenever I display a date to the user who lives in e.g. new york? UTC/GMT -4 hours

+3  A: 

You should store your data in UTC format and showing it in local timezone format.

DateTime.ToUniversalTime() -> server;
DateTime.ToLocalTime() -> client

You can adjust date/time using AddXXX methods group, but it can be error prone. .NET has support for time zones in System.TimeZoneInfo class.


Up until .NET 3.5 (VS 2008), .NET does not have any built-in support for timezones, apart from converting to and from UTC.

If the time difference is always exactly 3 hours all year long (summer and winter), simply use yourDate.AddHours(3) to change it one way, and yourDate.AddHours(-3) to change it back. Be sure to factor this out into a function explaining the reason for adding/substracting these 3 hours.

+1  A: 

You could use a combination of TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones() and then use the TimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset property to offset the time in the database based on the offset difference

Info on System.TimeZoneInfo here


Have you looked at SQL's GETUTCDATE() function? That will give the server UTC time, then use DATEADD() to adjust using your timezone.

Mitch Wheat

You know, this is a good question. This year I've done my first DB application and as my input data related to time is an Int64 value, that is what I stored off in the DB. My client applications retrieve it and do DateTime.FromUTC() or FromFileTimeUTC() on that value and do a .LocalTime() to show things in their local time. I've wondered whether this was good/bad/terrible but it has worked well enough for my needs thus far. Of course the work ends up being done by a data access layer library I wrote and not in the DB itself.

Seems to work well enough, but I trust others who have more experience with this sort of thing could point out where this is not the best approach.

Good Luck!


If you use .Net, you can use TimeZoneInfo. Since you tagged the question with 'c#', I'll assume you do.

The first step is getting the TimeZoneInfo for the time zone in want to convert to. In your example, NY's time zone. Here's a way you can do it:

//This will get EST time zone
TimeZoneInfo clientTimeZone
    = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");

//This will get the local time zone, might be useful
// if your application is a fat client
TimeZoneInfo clientTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;

Then, after you read a DateTime from your DB, you need to make sure its Kind is correctly set. Supposing the `DateTime's in the DB are in UTC (by the way, that's usually recommended), you can prepare it to be converted like this:

DateTime aDateTime = dataBaseSource.ReadADateTime();
DateTime utcDateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(aDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);

Finally, in order to convert to a different time zone, simply do this:

DateTime clientTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(utcDateTime, clientTimeZone);

Some extra remarks:

  • TimeZoneInfo can be stored in static fields, if you are only interested in a few specific time zones;
  • TimeZoneInfo` store information about daylight saving. So, you wouldn't have to worry about that;
  • If your application is web, finding out in which time zone your client is in might be hard. One way is explained here: http://kohari.org/2009/06/15/automagic-time-localization/

I hope this helps. :)
