



Do you guys know of any free tool that does a nice job with the intellisense for SQL Server 05?

SQLPrompt is just awesome, but they're not into giving their stuff for free :)

+1  A: 

RedGate SQLPrompt actually was free until September 2006. I'm not sure what the legal status is, but if you could get a version pre-dating that you may be able to use it (depending on license etc). That's about the best I know, I'm afraid.

Dan Diplo
That was obviously a promotion and is not valid anymore.
Artem Russakovskii
I downloaded it at the time and my version still works - it was never time limited. So, if you had downloaded it at time, but forgot you had it and then found it again, there shouldn't be a problem.
Dan Diplo

Here's a list asked by another SO user: No free ones, I'm afraid.

Artem Russakovskii

I am using the free version of EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server, which has code completion and syntax highlight.


Management studio that ships with SQL Server 2008 has it built in but it works only if you connect to a server that also runs 2008 (so client tools from 2008 is not enough)

+1  A: 

Toad™ for SQL Server Freeware has intellisense, and may be used for a maximum of five (5) users within Licensee's organization.

OMG Ponies
What do you guys think about this?! anyone else had experience with Toad for sql? I used Toad for oracle and it was nice, (definitely not as great as plsql)