I'd like to step into Microsoft's source code but cannot.
I followed the instructions at http://referencesource.microsoft.com/serversetup.aspx In particular, I disabled "Enable Just My Code" and Enabled "Enabled .NET Framework source stepping". Finally, set the source symbol location to "http://referencesource.microsoft.com/symbols".
However, when I double click on a frame item on the stack, I get some assembler code, not C# code. Also the "go to source code" menu item is disabled.
I am using VS 2008 SP1 and .NET 3.5 SP1. I created a brand new folder for the downloaded stuff. I get some pdb files but no C# file.
I looked at http://blogs.msdn.com/sburke/archive/2008/01/16/configuring-visual-studio-to-debug-net-framework-source-code.aspx and installed the path. Makes no difference. I am trying to the source code of WPF. The pdb are downloaded so it looks like Microsoft supports those.
Is there a trick to fix this?