





In my application , i am having a code like

    $("#"+<?=$r['Attribute']['id'];?>).each(function() { 
          type= "<?=$r['Attribute']['type'];?>";
          attribute_id= "<?=$r['Attribute']['id'];?>";
               var ht = $.ajax({
                   type: "GET",
                   url: "http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/viewChoices/"+attribute_id,
                   async: false

               var myObject = eval('(' + ht + ')');

               // var getchoice=myObject.choices[0]["choice"];


In the above code for each attributeid , i am seeing whether the type of its is a Dropdown then i am retriving its choices from that Ajax get from the Table Choices in the choice, My myObject displays like

   {"choices":[{"choice":"Male"},{"choice":"Female"}]}//for a attribute with the label gender

   {"choices":[{"choice":"BE"},{"choice":"ME"},{"choice":"MBA"}]}//for a attribute with the label qualification

But that getChoice displays only male , and later be since i am using [0]

i want to keep these first alerted values that is male and female in an array And then in the same array later to save only be,me,mba .. Because i want to keep these array values to be displayed in the dropdown box for the respective labels ...How to do so.......Please sugggest me...

+1  A: 

A couple of things that you could improve:

1 . Using each with an id selector.


Using each doesn't makes sense, since this selector will match a single element, and the element id must be unique.

2 . $.ajax for handling a JSON response

If you are doing an ajax request that returns JSON, the $.getJSON function is the best way to go, you don't have to parse the responce, it will be safely evaluated by jQuery.

3 . Your request is synchronous.

I'm not against synchronous requests, but I think that you don't explicitly need it.

Finally, for your JSON response, you could easily flatten the result, using the $.map function for example:

var data = {"choices":[{"choice":"Male"},{"choice":"Female"}]};
$.map(data.choices, function(i){return i.choice;}); 
// returns ["Male", "Female"]