I have a problem with maintenance on an old Delphi program (D7). A lot of the program logic is in the DPR file (this is not a windowed program), with some units providing things like access to the database. We need to get some debug out of the DB unit, but the debug functionality is in the DPR. We can't easily strip the debug functionality out, because it uses stuff that's unique to the DPR, like its main pipe. Separating it out would be like trying to tease apart spaghetti and meatball sauce.
So how do we call a function that's declared at the DPR scope from a subordinate used unit? What's the equivalent of the :: operator in C++ ?
Please don't tell me to redesign the app. I'd love to, but we won't be given the necessary time. Plus if we redesigned this puppy, it wouldn't be in Delphi.