



Hello, I'm trying to consume a WCF webservice using the RPC capabilities of the Protobuf-net. Here's my service contract:

namespace WcfEchoService
    // NOTE: If you change the interface name "IService1" here, you must also update the reference to "IService1" in Web.config.
    public interface IEchoService

        [OperationContract, ProtoBehavior]
        string Echo(string value);

        [OperationContract, ProtoBehavior]
        string EchoNull();

        [OperationContract, ProtoBehavior]
        CompositeType[] EchoData(CompositeType[] value);

    // Use a data contract as illustrated in the sample below to add composite types to service operations.
    public class CompositeType

        public bool BoolValue
        public string StringValue

And just below is my .NET CF client:

class EchoServiceClient : ProtoClient, IEchoService {

    #region IEchoService Members

    public EchoServiceClient() : base(new HttpBasicTransport("my service URI"))


    public string Echo(string value)
        return (string)this.Invoke("Echo", value);

    public string EchoNull()
        return (string)this.Invoke("EchoNull");

    public CompositeType[] EchoData(CompositeType[] value)
        return (CompositeType[])this.Invoke("EchoData", value);


And this is how i try to consume the webservice:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        EchoServiceClient client = new EchoServiceClient();

I keep getting an exception with the following message:

Either ContentLength must be set to a non-negative number, or SendChunked set to true in order to perform the write operation when AllowWriteStreamBuffering is disabled.

As far as i can tell after digging in protobuf-net's source code the problem seems to be that there is no content-lenght specified. Is there any other way to consume WCF webservices using protobuf-net serialization in .NET CF or a way to solve this issue?

Marc you're on:)


Edit: I misread the question; short version: ProtoClient != WCF. They are not compatible.

Compact Framework suffers that the WCF stack lacks all of the necessary extension points for this; in short, you can't use this approach with WCF + CF.

I am aware of various working approaches for protobuf-net with CF, though;

  • have your service return a byte[] or (better) Stream and handle it manually; no, it isn't pretty, but it works
  • you could try the alternative RPC stack included with protobuf-net; I think this works on CF (I'd need to check, though; my memory fails)

The alternative stack is ProtoClient<T>; I honestly can't recall whether it works on CF, and I'm not in a position to check at the moment. it should work on CF, as I remember having to re-implement Expression to get it to compile... some example usage (for both 2.0-style and 3.5-style) are here.

Marc Gravell
Thanks for your reply. I will try to play and see what can i make out of that RPC stack.
Does this include WP7?
Richard Szalay
@Richard - I haven't had much time to look at WP7, other than to get the *core* of v2 working (note v2 is available as source, but is not released). Other than that, the `byte[]` trick certainly should work and has the advantage of simplicity. It came to my notice earlier this week that Silverlight now has some of the previously missing extension points that I might be able to use to hook it in more directly, but I don't know if this includes WP7. Alas, there's just one of me...
Marc Gravell