



I've been trying to get my head around XAML and it's namespaces and I just cannot seem to get the logics of things. For example, I'm trying to animate a gridrow's GridLength property following a tutorial. I can get the sample code to run just fine. But trying to actually port the features into my own code seems to be impossible. I always run into odd errors which doesn't occur in the source code. Animating the GridLength property isn't possible, so I need to create a new .vb file containing the code making it possible.

But trying to actually reach what's in there I can't get to work.

In my Window.xaml file I have this at the top:


Which targets a GridLengthAnimation.vb file. In that file you have this:

Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows

Public Class GridLengthAnimation
    Inherits AnimationTimeline

Back in the Window.xaml, getting contact with "GridLengthAnimation" is impossible:


I get an error message saying:

The name "GridLengthAnimation" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:HDI_WPF_GridAnimation_vb".

What is causing the issue?


I dont see your nameSpace declaration around your class

  Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
  Imports System.Windows
  Namespace HDI_WPF_GridAnimation_vb
   Public Class GridLengthAnimation
      Inherits AnimationTimeline
Jobi Joy
Already tried that, doesn't do anything. It's not in the source code either and that works just fine.
Kenny Bones
Could you please tell if this looks to be ok? I really cannot understand why this keeps happening :(
Kenny Bones