





I have just won 1 Telerik Premium Collection for .NET Developer with subscription (lucky me!) and was wondering whether the OpenAccess ORM is worth learning? Has anyone thrown away their open source variant and are now using the Telerik ORM tools instead?

Are there any benefits from using the Telerik ORM tools instead of an open source variant?

Any thought suggestions?

BTW I can't wait to start using their RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX!!

+3  A: 

I'm a happy telerik customer for more than 5 years. I used their ORM only in one solution and never used an open source ORM.

Throw away the existing one? NO - if you have no problems and the thing does what it should do I wouldn't change. That has nothing to do with quality or other asspects of telerik ORM. It's just a matter of fact that using a new product means to learn new things, solve some solved things again in a different way and so on.

BUT - if you have problems (or must make compromises) with your current product it's sure worth to give it a try.

Without knowing other ORMs I have one clear point why I would try telerik ORM. It's their (telerik's) outstanding support. None of my other vendors offers / does what telerik does. Simply take a look at their forums http://www.telerik.com/community/forums.aspx and you'll see what I mean.

You have a problem - they solve it; and that with very fast response times.

And that's a point you should think about when making a decission about ORM (or any ohter kind of product).

I work for Telerik and completely agree with this post. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. That being said, OA has a way of growing on you. Great LINQ support, visual tooling, reverse mapping, forward mapping, fetch plans, stored procedure support, blah, blah, blah.
+4  A: 

OpenAccess are definitely worth learning!

I have used it since telerik release and it just keep "growing" on me.

It's really nice and easy to work with and it will save you a lot of time working with data.

The learning curve are really fast and I was "hooked" in no time.

I replaced my linq2sql implementation with OpenAccess and have not looked back since.

So, thumbs up from me.

Clearly you are an evangelist. But can you elaborate a little more on the "why"?
Robert Harvey
Yes, I am an evangelist and creasy about most telerik components. OpenAccess are very solid - everything are executed in transactions. You can see/tune sql if you want to. Make Joins between databases, control caching and so on. But you can also choose to use it like Linq2Sql, just plug it in and go ahead. They have great support and a very deticated forum.