



I have custom collection editor and I want to programmatically add items to it's list (collection) so they will could visible in a listbox. How I can do that? I know about CollectionEditor's AddItems method, but it takes collection object as a parameter, but I cannot figure out a way to get CollectionEditor's inner list object... :/

[update] Ugh.. the proper method name is 'SetItems' [/update]

[update 2] Source code of what I'm trying to do...

public class MyCollectionEditor : CollectionEditor
     private Type m_itemType = null;

     public MyCollectionEditor(Type type)
      : base(type)
      m_itemType = type;

     protected override CollectionForm CreateCollectionForm()
      Button buttonLoadItem = new Button();
      buttonLoadItem.Text = "Load from DB";
      buttonLoadItem.Click += new EventHandler(ButtonLoadItem_Click);

      m_collectionForm = base.CreateCollectionForm();

      TableLayoutPanel panel1 = m_collectionForm.Controls[0] as TableLayoutPanel;
      TableLayoutPanel panel2 = panel1.Controls[1] as TableLayoutPanel;

      return m_collectionForm;

     private void ButtonLoadItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (m_itemType.Equals(typeof(MyCustomCollection)))
       MyCustomItem item = ...load from DB...

       //definition: SetItems(object editValue, object[] value);
       SetItems( -> what goes here?! <- , new object[] { item });

[/update 2]


I may be misunderstanding your question but dont you have to define you own collection first ? and then decorate it with the EditorAttribute

[EditorAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]

Yes, you are right. I have my collection, I derived CollectionEditor class and decorated my collection as you suggested. What I want to achive is - within CollectionEditor I added a button to load item from DB (next to original buttons to add and delete), after I handle loading I want to add this item to list. There is a method to 'set' items (in CollectionEditor), but it's necessary to pass actual list of objects, which is protected and thus inaccessible.

I've found solution thanks to .NET Reflector and reflection mechanism. Instead of using SetItems method I'm invoking private method of CollectionForm: private void AddItems(IList instances), like this:

MethodInfo methodInfo = m_collectionForm.GetType().GetMethod("AddItems", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
methodInfo.Invoke(m_collectionForm, new object[] { /* my items here */ });

PS. See the rest of code above...
