I managed to add custom properties (metadata) for MS Word from VBA, but how do I make it read only so that it cannot be changed easily?
You can't.
Depending on what sort of scenario you're trying to avoid, you might be able to "obfuscate" the properties by encrypting the contents somehow. That would make it harder for a user to figure out how to change them to something useful - but wouldn't stop the user from "breaking" it.
Gary McGill
2009-07-28 11:52:25
Instead of using document properties use document variables (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb212231.aspx). You can only access them through code. There's no UI for them.
Here's some old VB6/VBA functions I used for them:
Public Sub SetVariable(oDocument As Word.Document, sName As String, sValue As String)
Dim oVariable As Word.Variable
Set oVariable = LocateVariable(oDocument, sName)
If Not oVariable Is Nothing Then
oVariable.Value = sValue
oDocument.Variables.Add sName, sValue
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetVariable(oDocument As Word.Document, sName As String) As String
Dim oVariable As Word.Variable
Set oVariable = LocateVariable(oDocument, sName)
If Not oVariable Is Nothing Then
GetVariable = oVariable.Value
GetVariable = ""
End If
End Function
Public Function LocateVariable(oDocument As Word.Document, sName As String) As Word.Variable
Dim oVariable As Word.Variable
For Each oVariable In oDocument.Variables
If StrComp(oVariable.Name, sName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set LocateVariable = oVariable
Exit Function
End If
Set LocateVariable = Nothing
End Function
Tom Winter
2009-07-31 13:37:38