




I am looking for a good book to learn about AJAX. Can anybody recommend good ones? I know I can go to www.asp.net site but nothing like reading a good book as compared to learning about it online.

+1  A: 

Professional Ajax from Wrox was what I used.

+2  A: 

If you're happy to learn the Microsoft AJAX way I recommend Professional ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX (http://www.amazon.com/Professional-ASP-NET-2-0-AJAX-Programmer/dp/0470109629).

I bought a copy as soon as it was out last year and I hardly put it down still.

Then if you want to get into really hard-core ASP.NET AJAX development get a copy of Advanced ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321514440?ie=UTF8&tag=encosia-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0321514440), that's my next purchase for sure.

As for bloggers I recommend the David Ward (http://encosia.com/), he looks at ASP.NET AJAX as well as a lot of jQuery. Jeol (http://seejoelprogram.wordpress.com/) who co-authored the AJAX server control book. Nikhil Kothari (http://www.nikhilk.net/Category.aspx?id=1), a developer on the ASP.NET AJAX team, also does a lot with Silverlight and wrote Script# (C# -> JavaScript compiler).

Good Luck!

+1  A: 

I've learned Ajax several years ago by coding a little application from scratch (GContact). I made the choice to use no library, in order to learn JavaScript and Ajax.

I think it's always the best solution : to write a little useful application (so you'll use and maintain it).

To go then further, I've read Ajax Patterns and Best Practices and I think it's a great book about Ajax and how to use the best technique for a specified problem (a little bit like YUI Design Pattern library).

I agree with the idea of writing an app to learn but I disagree with not using a library. There's so many good libraries now (jQuery, mootools, MS AJAX, yahoo!, etc) that you're better off using one of them, as that's what you'll use in reality.
Yes, I understand but I wrote that application in 2005. At that time, they wasn't as many as libraries as now.I recently wrote another application in order to learn PrototypeJs and Scriptaculous (http://sourceforge.net/projects/anothertodolist/)

I have _**Ajax in Action**_ by David Crane, and _**Pragmatic Ajax**_ from the Pragmatic Programmers. Both of these are good. I lean slightly towards _**Pragmatic Ajax**_ because
(i) it's slightly shorter and
(ii) I personally like the way it attacks the problem, working through the construction of a single AJAX application.

+1  A: 

Personally, I'm using ASP.NET AJAX in Action by Gallo... It covers all the expected bases and is easy enough to follow.