



Situation: Currently we have type safe static code that represents commands we can send to units out in the field. In addition we have another development team who does development on the units, they implement commands on a different release cycle then us and management is asking for our side to be more flexible as in create code that will handle new commands without compile or deployment because our release cycle is to long and we cannot wait to implement some of these features.

In the past we have used a UI that compiled code on the fly and replaced the current DLL on production to implement something like this but we found it to be error prone with dll versions, and com+ holding on to the old one and IIS as well and we can not afford to reset any of the above to get the new DLL loaded up.

an idea was to use XML configuration files to map to the command schema and pass XML through the system, any other ideas on how to keep code clean and implement dynamic code/CMDS that are not susceptible to errors?