I wish to develop a custom network layer protocol. I suppose it can be done using C. Can any one suggest how to begin with. Any references or sample code would be of great help.
If you're wanting to develop a custom protocol sample code isn't really going to help! You must first design your protocol.
What is the purpose of this network? File Sharing, Commands, Other?
What can connect to this network? Computer, Printer, Other?
How will devices communicate? Messages, Codes, Other?
What will a message or command consist of?
These are all valid questions you must ask yourself when you design. After your design is done, then you can start writing the actual implementation. A task like this will require a lot of design though. Forewarned..
Stevens' TCP/IP Illustrated volume 2 has most of the source for the higher layers in the stack.
Take a look at the x-kernel project. "The x-kernel is an object-based framework for implementing network protocols."
I stumbled over this one several years ago. I'd talked to Don Batory at UT Austin about his research on Product Line Architectures. At one point, I asked him if anyone was looking at doing something similar for network protocols, and he pointed me at the x-kernel work.
then by using C programming how this can be implemented??i mean we have embedded c,c for networks..what will be the type