



So I am using this fancy new charting control. More info here

I have data displayed already. What I want to do is add a line seperator that is there every year. Basically vertical red line on every jan, 1st?

Any ideas??? Data points do not exist for each day in the year. It can be anywhere from 365 to 1 data point in between two year seperators.

I tried going over sample but did not get any useful idea. Anyone?

So I found that they have StripLine

Stripline stripLine = new StripLine();

I wonder how can I add this to a point. Not to make it repeat automatically. Anyone?

Just to be clear I am trying to do something like this. I have a graph and while adding points as soon as I find a point with certain conditions I want to add strip line at that place as well.

the problem is it is not in regular intervals.its once a year. But we might not have 365 data points for 2008. So I cant use regular interval of some value 60 or what not.