




I have updated the subsonic reference from to, when I try to execute a stored procedure then I get a following error

Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to varchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

I am calling the store procedure as follows

db.GetAllLoanApplications(orderBy, direction, userEmail,"","","", 

GetAllLoanApplications is the Stored Procedure Name

Please tell me how I will be able to fix this issue,

Muhammad Naveed Khan

+1  A: 

This issue was fixed with - are you sure your reference is updated? If so - please submit an issue and as much detail as possible.

Rob Conery

ok here are the details.

Calling Method:

public DataTable showApplications(GridView gv, string orderBy, string direction, string userEmail) {

    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    string  userId = cbl.getLoginnedUserId();
    IDataReader idr = db.GetAllLoanApplications(orderBy, direction, userEmail,"","","", Convert.ToString(userId)).ExecuteReader();
    da.FillFromReader(dt, idr);
    gv.DataSource = dt;
    return dt;

Calling Store Procedure: GetAllLoanApplications

Passing Parameters: @OrderBy varchar(30), @Direction varchar(10), @UserEmail varchar(50), @UserId Varchar(150)

Sample Parameter Values:

@OrderBy = ""

@Direction = ""

@UserEmail = ""

@UserId = 37438d06-bcb8-47ab-9390-11416e36c704

Calling Store Procedure Definition:

Create Proc GetAllLoanApplications

@OrderBy varchar(30),

@Direction varchar(10),

@UserEmail varchar(50),

@UserId Varchar(150)


Declare @query varchar(max)

Set @query = 'Select rt.*, lkUpD.Col1Value As "CustomerType" from (Select la.LoanAppId , la.UserId, ci.FirstName , ci.LastName, la.ApplicationDateSubmitted, la.LoanAmount, la.DueDate, lkUpD.Col1Value As "Status" from LoanApplication la, ContactInfo ci, LookUpDetails lkUpD where la.UserId = ci.UserId and la.StatusId = lkUpD.LookUpDetailId '

If @UserEmail != '' Begin Set @query = 'Select rt.*, lkUpD.Col1Value As "CustomerType" from (Select la.LoanAppId , la.UserId, ci.FirstName , ci.LastName, la.ApplicationDateSubmitted, la.LoanAmount, la.DueDate, lkUpD.Col1Value As "Status" , aspNetMembership.Email from LoanApplication la, ContactInfo ci, LookUpDetails lkUpD , aspnet_Membership aspNetMembership where la.UserId = ci.UserId and la.StatusId = lkUpD.LookUpDetailId and la.UserId = aspNetMembership.UserId And aspNetMembership.Email = ' set @query = @query + '''' + @UserEmail + '''' End

If @UserId !='' Begin set @query = @query + ' and la.UserId = ' + '''' + @UserId + '''' End

set @query = @query + ' ) rt, ContactInfo ci, LookUpDetails lkUpD where rt.UserId = ci.UserId And ci.CustomerTypeId = lkUpD.LookUpDetailId '

If @OrderBy = 'Application Id' Begin Set @query = @query + ' order by la.LoanAppId ' + @Direction end

If @OrderBy = 'Name' Begin Set @query = @query + ' order by ci.FirstName ' + @Direction end

If @OrderBy = 'Application Submitted Date' Begin Set @query = @query + ' order by la.ApplicationDateSubmitted ' + @Direction end

If @OrderBy = 'Requested Amount' Begin Set @query = @query + ' order by la.LoanAmount ' + @Direction end

If @OrderBy = 'Due Date' Begin Set @query = @query + ' order by la.DueDate ' + @Direction end

If @OrderBy = 'Status' Begin Set @query = @query + 'order by la.StatusId ' + @Direction end

exec (@query)

If you require any further details then please let me know.

Regards, Muhammad Naveed Khan Email: [email protected] Contact: +923014242889


Hi, I am still looking for a solution; The subsonic is working fine but as soon as I update to then it start giving me the error. I have noticed one more issue with but first I will like to have a solution for

Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to varchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
