



I am looking for an implementation of MySql and Geographic layers (features\rasters),

how does it work for you? which ORM \ dataaccess you are using? how do you write the geo-queries? as sql or in code

+1  A: 

At least for the simple stuff, generally speaking, you have to convert a geometric object from text into a geometry:

INSERT INTO table (geometry) VALUES (GeomFromText('POLYGON((x y, x y, x y, x y, x y))'))

SELECT AsText(g.geometry) AS geometry FROM table

You can do a spatial indexes like ALTER TABLE my_table ADD SPATIAL INDEX(my_field);

You cannot really do much beyond the basics with GIS data in MySQL.. if you really want to do GIS stuff with a FOSS dataserver, you have to go PostGIS with PostgreSQL. See this article.

Stephen J. Fuhry
how does it optimize the columns, is there any tiled-index?
I think for a tiled index you need PostGIS or MapServer (for FOSS stuff). You will not find advanced GIS functionality in MySQL
Stephen J. Fuhry