I want to use a FileStream and seek from the beginning of the file while moving forward in the file .01% of the file size at a time.
So I want to seek to a position in the file, read the entire line, if it matches my criteria I am done. If not, I seek ahead another .01.
C# is OK but VB.NET preferred.
I used to do it something like this in VB6...
FileOpen(1, CurrentFullPath, OpenMode.Input, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Shared)
Dim FileLength As Long = LOF(1)
For x As Single = 0.99 To 0 Step -0.01
Seek(1, CInt(FileLength * x))
Dim S As String = LineInput(1)
S = LineInput(1)
filePosition = Seek(1)
If filePosition < 50000 Then
filePosition = 1
Exit For
End If
V = Split(S, ",")
Dim MessageTime As Date = CDate(V(3) & " " & Mid$(V(4), 1, 8))
Dim Diff As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, MessageTime, CDate(RequestedStartTime))
If Diff >= 2 Then
Exit For
End If
But I don't want to use FileOpen, I want to use a FileStream.
Any help is greatly appreciated!