Here is the code that I currently have to create underlined header text in WPF. There has got to be an easier method then using tables.
<TableColumn Width="Auto"/>
<Paragraph Style="{StaticResource Text_LoginHeaderStyle}">
<Bold>Some header text</Bold>
</TableCell >
<Line Style="{StaticResource Control_TitleLineSeparator}" />
The definition for the line is
<Style x:Key="Control_TitleLineSeparator" TargetType="Line" BasedOn="{StaticResource BasicHorizontalLine}">
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Gray"/>
<Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1"/>
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,0,0,3"/>
The idea is to create some text and have it underlined such that the underline stretches the entire width of the enclosing container, in this case a Grid layout.
I don't have to use a table, that was the only method I could find that worked and didn't put a huge space between the text and the line. I have now found what looks to be a simpler method.
<TextBlock Style="{StaticResource Text_LoginHeaderStyle}" Text="Skill Groups"/>
<Line Style="{StaticResource Control_TitleLineSeparator}" />
But even this seems incredibly complicated. I have modified the text above to be self-contained.