



I've got an ASP.NET app using NHibernate to transactionally update a few tables upon a user action. There is a date range involved whereby only one entry to a table 'Booking' can be made such that exclusive dates are specified.

My problem is how to prevent a race condition whereby two user actions occur almost simultaneously and cause mutliple entries into 'Booking' for >1 date. I can't check just prior to calling .Commit() because I think that will still leave be with a race condition?

All I can see is to do a check AFTER the commit and roll the change back manually, but that leaves me with a very bad taste in my mouth! :)


booking_start (DATETIME)

booking_end (DATETIME)


Why does it matter that you have multiple entries with the same date?

Because that is one of the business rules of my app. Carsten Hess' answer above puts the solution perfectly. I don't see why you are asking.
Kieran Benton
Well business rules are business rules, but from where I'm sitting it seems like it is poor engineering to have this kind of setup - you basically end up restricting your potential throughput for this. Which is why I was asking.
+2  A: 

Hey. You can either

  • make the isolation level of your transaction SERIALIZABLE (session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable) and check and insert in the same transaction. You should not in general set the isolationlevel to serializable, just in situations like this.


  • lock the table before you check and eventually insert. You can do this by firing a SQL query through nhibernate:

    session.CreateSQLQuery("SELECT null as dummy FROM Booking WITH (tablockx, holdlock)").AddScalar("dummy", NHibernateUtil.Int32); This will lock only that table for selects / inserts for the duration of that transaction.

Hope it helped

Of course - can't believe I managed to miss entirely using table locks, was having a mental blank! Thanks very much.
Kieran Benton