



Think of an small and basic affliate system. I want an url like "".

Every time "afid" is found in the url an method has to be called. (Basicly to save "afid" in an session an when the customer buys stuff i want to track it.)

Someone here who knows how to do that? Every hint is accepted ;-)

greetings, dexcs....

+2  A: 

You don't need a router for this. You'll want to setup an event listener that fires for every page load, and then access the variables in the request collection. The controller_front_init_routers event should do.

So, setup your module's config with the following


And then create the following class

class Packagename_Modulename_Model_Observer {
 public function interceptMethod($observer) {
  $request  = $observer->getEvent()->getData('front')->getRequest();
  $afid  = $request->afid;

  //do whatever you want with your variable here

The interceptMethod can be named whatever you want.

Alan Storm
Thanks! That THE way ;-)

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