Is there a good tool to debug Perl-based web applications? Output to stderr or stdout don't count as tool.
The Komodo IDE supports remote debugging for just this sort of thing.
Brian Agnew
2009-07-29 10:53:27
Yup, I've got the perfect tool for you.
CGI::Inspect lets you inspect and debug a running Perl web application.
Read more about the module on the developer's website.
Or check out the slides from a presentation about it at YAPC 2009.
2009-07-29 11:07:25
CGI::Inspect is awesome. It drops you into a REPL (read, eval, print, loop) where you can examine the current state of the app, modify the state, and they start it running again.
Chas. Owens
2009-07-29 14:56:22
Seems this is helpful, thanks for your answer.
2009-07-30 12:43:42