




I've a specific requirement of rendering Javascript onto a master page of an site. There are two specific requirements of it:

1) The position - It should be rendered at the very end of the page just before BODY tag 2) Control - Render it only when requested.

I solved #2 by creating a web-part which will render the javascript only when its placed on the page. But I could not achieve #1 since the web part doesn't give me control over where to render the javascript inside body tag.

Did anyone solve this problem before?

Please advice.

Thanks Sachit

+1  A: 

Try using ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript, it injects the script right above the </body> tag.

Josh Stodola
That gives me only control over when to render....but not where to render....Both are important requirements for me :(
@Sachit - if by "where" you mean which pages to render it on...I would suggest having a helper function that registers the script, then programmatically call the helper function on pages that need to render it.
actually by where I meant the exact location of the script. I need this script to be the one just above </body> tag. I think I can get close to this by using ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript but looks like I can not control the order of scripts if I've multiple which is a problem since I've many scripts on that page and I want this one to be at the bottom.
If you have multiples, use a Strinbuilder to combine them in the order you need, and then use this.
Josh Stodola
actually let me tell rest of the story....this is a sharepoint master page, so I've no control over what and how SharePoint renders rest of the scripts, styles etc...

RenderControl is the last method to return in MasterPage Event Lifecycle that you can override. My guess would be to put it there.


If you are using Master Page, then why not put a content place holder just before the end body tag? The content pages should render their JavaScript in that particular place holder.

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Base.master.cs" Inherits="Common.Base" %>

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">    

    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="headerContent" runat="server"/>
    <form id="mainForm" runat="server">
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="mainContent" runat="server" /> 
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="footerContent" runat="server" />       

    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="footerJsContent" runat="server"/>

Content pages should render their JavaScript inside the footerJsContent place holder.
