I'm trying to use Lucene to query a domain that has the following structure
Student 1-------* Attendance *---------1 Course
The data in the domain is summarised below
Course.name Attendance.mandatory Student.name
cooking N Bob
art Y Bob
If I execute the query "courseName:cooking AND mandatory:Y"
it returns Bob, because Bob is attending the cooking course, and Bob is also attending a mandatory course. However, what I really want to query for is "students attending a mandatory cooking course", which in this case would return nobody.
Is it possible to formulate this as a Lucene query? I'm actually using Compass, rather than Lucene directly, so I can use either CompassQueryBuilder or Lucene's query language.
For the sake of completeness, the domain classes themselves are shown below. These classes are Grails domain classes, but I'm using the standard Compass annotations and Lucene query syntax.
class Student {
@SearchableProperty(accessor = 'property')
String name
static hasMany = [attendances: Attendance]
@SearchableId(accessor = 'property')
Long id
Set<Attendance> getAttendances() {
return attendances
@Searchable(root = false)
class Attendance {
static belongsTo = [student: Student, course: Course]
@SearchableProperty(accessor = 'property')
String mandatory = "Y"
@SearchableId(accessor = 'property')
Long id
Course getCourse() {
return course
@Searchable(root = false)
class Course {
@SearchableProperty(accessor = 'property', name = "courseName")
String name
@SearchableId(accessor = 'property')
Long id