To preface this, I'm not familiar with OLAP at all, so if the terminology is off, feel free to offer corrections.
I'm reading about OLAP and it seems to be all about trading space for speed, wherein you precalculate (or calculate on demand) and store aggregations about your data, keyed off by certain dimensions. I understand how this works for dimensions that have a discrete set of values, like { Male, Female } or { Jan, Feb, ... Dec } or { @US_STATES }. But what about dimensions that have completely arbitrary values like (0, 1.25, 3.14156, 70000.23, ...)?
Does the use of OLAP preclude the use of aggregations in queries that hit the fact tables, or is it merely used to bypass things that can be precalculated? Like, arbitrary aggregations on arbitrary values still need to be done on the fly?
Any other help regarding learning more about OLAP would be much appreciated. At first glance, both Google and SO seem to be a little dry (compared to other, more popular topics).
Edit: Was asked for a dimension on which there are arbitrary values.
- VELOCITY of experiments: 1.256 m/s, -2.234 m/s, 33.78 m/s
- VALUE of transactions: $120.56, $22.47, $9.47