Hi guys,
had a bit of confusion going around in work earlier. Thought id run it by yous to see if anyone knows wats going on.
Were working on an internal administration system for our client, and its rite about to launch. Its comprised of TWO MySQL databases on the server [db_1 and db_2] and a PHP front end. [Both databases contain several tables].
There are maybe 90 different PHP files, some of which require a connection to our databases and ALL of these connections are made via a single PHP function which explicitly connects to the first database mentioned above [db_1] and supplies the login and password. And this works fine.
However, our second database, db_2, does not seem to require its own login and password to access its contents.
As soon as we connect to db_1, we seem to have full access to db_2, as long as we use the Full-Name for our tables [ie: db_2.usersTable] -> ("SELECT * FROM db_2.usersTable WHERE...").
And this is what was causing much confusion.
My question is this: Once you connect to a database on a server, do you have access to other databases on that server, or are we overlooking something???
Any feedback greatly appreciated lads...