Hi All,
I've got sort of a 'tricky' one here-- well, maybe not.
I have three basic tables:
usrID usrFirst usrLast
1 John Smith
2 Bill Jones
3 Jane Johnson
id date_sent title sender_id thread_id content
2 2009-07-29 18:46:13 Subject 1 1 111 Message 2!
3 2009-07-29 18:47:21 Another Subject 1 222 Message 3!
id thread_id receiver_id is_read
1 111 2 0
2 111 3 0
3 222 2 0
4 222 3 0
Essentially, what I am trying to do is create an inbox.
So, if usrID 2 (Bill Jones) opens his inbox, he will see that he 2 unread (hence the 'is_read' column) messages (threads #111 and #222).
Basically, I need to know how to set up my SELECT statement to JOIN all three tables (the relationship between pm_data and pm_info brings about the message info, while the relationship between tblUsers and pm_data brings about the 'display name' of the sender), to show the most recent (by timestamp?) thread on top.
Thus, we would see something like this:
<?php $usrID = 2; ?>
<table id="messages">
<tr id="id-2">
From: John Smith
<span>2009-07-29 18:47:21</span>
<div>Another subject</div>
<tr id="id-1">
From: John Smith
<span>2009-07-29 18:46:13</span>
<div>Subject 1</div>
Hopefully this makes sense! Thanks for any help!
EDIT: Here's my final answer:
I took lc's advice, and made the relationship between the two tables based on id (added a column called 'message_id' to pm_info).
Then, tweaked the MySQL statement around a little bit to come up with this:
SELECT pm_info.is_read, sender.usrFirst as sender_name,
pm_data.date_sent, pm_data.title, pm_data.thread_id
FROM pm_info
INNER JOIN pm_data ON pm_info.message_id = pm_data.id
INNER JOIN tblUsers AS sender ON pm_data.sender_id = sender.usrID
WHERE pm_data.date_sent IN(SELECT MAX(date_sent) FROM pm_data WHERE pm_info.message_id = pm_data.id GROUP BY thread_id) AND pm_info.receiver_id = '$usrID' ORDER BY date_sent DESC
This seems to work for me (so far).