I have a MS SQL Server with a linked MySQL server. I need to partially synchronize a table between the two servers. This is done in three steps and based on a condition:
Delete all rows from the MySQL table that do not satisfy the condition
Insert all new rows in the MySQL table that satisfy the condition
Update all rows in the MySQL server that satisfy the condition and have different data between MySQL and SQL Server
Steps 1 and 2 always run without a problem. But step 3 won't run if there is anything to update. The query fails with the following exception: The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized.].
This is the query that is executed:
update mysqlserver...subscribers
set Firstname = Voornaam,
Middlename = Tussenvoegsel,
Surname = Achternaam,
email = e-mail
from mysqlserver...subscribers as b, tblkandidaat
where (b.kandidaatid = tblkandidaat.kandidaatid) and
(tblkandidaat.kandidaatid in (
select subsc.kandidaatid
from mysqlserver...subscribers subsc inner join tblKandidaat
on (subsc.kandidaatid=tblKandidaat.kandidaatid)
where (subsc.list=1) and
((subsc.firstname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI <> Voornaam
or (subsc.middlename COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI <> Tussenvoegsel)
or (subsc.surname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI <> tblKandidaat.Achternaam)
or (subsc.email COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI <> tblKandidaat.e-mail))
Anybody has an idea about how to prevent this?