Hi all,
I've written a simple web service that converts a word doc to a pdf. As part of the Convert method, it takes in a custom settings object that contains info about the doc path, etc. and a DataTable of, er, data.
I am now creating a "helper" class to consume the web service in order to remove the hassle for other developers and, if truth be told, control the consumers of the web service. I don't want anyone diving into the web service (even a developer) and using it willy-nilly.
Let's call my web service WordToPdfWS and my helper class WordToPdfHelper (ugh); WordToPDFHelper has a web reference to WordToPdfWS and can call the Convert(settings) method no problem (it even works!).
When I create a consumer / test app and set a reference to WordToPdfHelper, I find that (as expected) I can create the WordToPdfHelper object and use it as intended. BUT, in my consumer, I can also create my web service (WordToPdfWS) and call it directly - from my consumer!
This is definitely not what I want (e.g. any Tom, Dick and Harriet Developer being able to get at it), is there anyway to prevent it?
Kind regards,
Mike K.