I am writing an algorithm to generate combinations of items from a database. They need to be unique permutations (i.e. 145, 156 == 156, 145). The problem I am running into is how to keep track of previous combinations so that i do not end up with 145, 156 and 156, 145.
Currently I am adding them to an array with index of id1_id2... (sorted so id's are always be lowest to highest) and setting the value equal to 1 when a combo is generated so that i can check if $combos[$index] exists or not. If it does not exist, create it. (there are other criteria to weed out EVERY permutation, but they are irrelevant) Once these combinations are generated, they are being stored in a table in MySQL.
The problem I am running into is that with the test items i'm using (about 85) I cannot generate a combinations with more than 3 items (id1_id2_id3) without running out of memory as the number of combinations is MASSIVE and the $combos array takes up more than the 64M i am allotted in PHP memory.
Is there a way that I can do this a) without keeping track of previous combos or b) skipping the $combos array route and only adding a unique row to mysql and let mysql handle the duplicate checking.
Here is some pseudo code for reference:
$items = array(/*85 items*/);
foreach ($items as $item1){
foreach($items as $item2){
generate(array($item1, $item2));
function generate($items_arary){
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($items_array as $item){
$temp_array[] = $item['id'];
$index = implode("_", $temp_array);
if (!$combos[$index]){
$combos[$index] = 1;
/* some code to generate query to store to db */
the query ends up looking like this: (the database is truncated at beginning of script)
INSERT INTO `combos` (combo_id, more_info) VALUES ('id1_id2', 'Item Name');
In the process of writing this question, I thought of a possible solution: Making sure id3 > id2 > id1. Would this be a viable solution to remove the need for $combos?