I have a GridView that contains a list of files, created dates, and file sizes. Below the grid I have a textblock that says "X Files Selected. Y MB". I can bind to SelectedItems.Count just fine, but can I easily bind to the sum of the file sizes for those that are selected?
The question marks below should be the sum of the SelectedItems fileSize column values. Any ideas?
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right">
<MultiBinding StringFormat=" {0} Files Selected. {1} MB">
<Binding ElementName="FilesList" Path="SelectedItems.Count"></Binding>
<Binding ElementName="FilesList" Path="SelectedItems.?????"></Binding>
I know I can get this done in the codebehind - but I'd like to keep my codebehind empty and do it in the XAML. This is the codebehind code:
private void FilesList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
double x = 0;
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in FilesList.SelectedItems)
x += fileInfo.Length;