I used LaTeX for writing couple of white papers while I was in grad school. From that I have a really good impression about it in terms of what LaTeX allows user to do, especially the fine control it provides over formatting, etc.
Now I am debating whether I should actually use LaTeX for our production apps to generate PDFs. I have tried several commercial and free PDF libraries (PDFSharp/MigraDoc, iTextSharp, Expert PDF, etc) and none of them provide the amount of fine control I need without making the code base extremely difficult to maintain in long run.
If I do decide to go this route it will be done from C#. Since LaTeX already has command line interface, I should be able to do that pretty easily from C# as an external process forked from my program.
But I was looking for some comments from the community.
- Has anyone tried it? If so, what were some gotchas?
- What do you think about the idea -- pros and cons (I am more interested in gotachas)?
All feedback is welcome.