What I have installed...
- Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 1
- Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
- .Net Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1
- Silverlight 3.0
My First Problem...
I modify themes\generic.xaml and save the file and run the project and the changes I just made in themes\generic.xaml are not inside the assembly. I have used reflector to see what is in themes\generic.xaml and it is the previous version of the file.
Second Problem...
Upon realising this was happening I decided to test with modifying a C# file and I get the same problem - on compile it does not recoginise the code changes.
Before building all changes are saved via Visual Studio Option "Project and Solutions"->"Build and Run". Using Local IIS Web Server
What I have tried...
I uninstalled ALL Silvelight, .Net Framework and Visual Studio components and re-installed only to have the problem re-occur.
Update 1:
Looks like the XAP file is not being updated. Just worked out this is only a problem when using F5 (Start Debugging) not when doing a Build Solution(Ctrl - Shift B or F7).
ANY suggestions welcome !