



I want to attach an click event to a button element and then later remove it, but I can't get unclick() or unbind() to do anything. In this example below, the button is tan and the click event works.

window.onload = init; 
function init() {
    $("#startButton").css('background-color', 'beige').click(process_click);
    $("#startButton").css('background-color', 'tan').unclick();

How can I remove events from my elements?

+1  A: 

unbind is your friend. $("#startButton").unbind('click')

+8  A: 

There's no such thing as unclick(). Where did you get that from?

You can remove individual event handlers from an element by calling unbind:

$("#startButton").unbind("click", process_click);

If you want to remove all handlers, or you used an anonymous function as a handler, you can omit the second argument to unbind():

Jim a bound click event from each of the matched elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original bind method.
Edward Tanguay
Thanks for the info. I dug a little deeper, and found that unclick() was removed in jQuery 1.1.

Are you sure you want to unbind it? What if later on you want to bind it again, and again, and again? I don't like dynamic event-handling bind/unbind, since they tend to get out of hand, when called from different points of your code.

You may want to consider alternate options:

  • change the button "disabled" property
  • implement your logic inside "process_click" function

Just my 2 cents, not an universal solution.


Or you could have a situation where you want to unbind the click function just after you use it, like I had to:

$('#selector').click(function(event){ alert(1); $(this).unbind(event); }
