Hello all,
in flash I know there is the flash.media.Video class. This class can capture video recording, here's its documentation:
The Video class displays live or recorded video in an application without embedding the video in your SWF file. This class creates a Video object in an Adobe Flash or Adobe Flex interface that plays either of the following kinds of video: recorded FLV files stored on a server or locally, or live video captured from a user's computer. A Video object is a display object on the application's display list and represents the visual space in which the video runs in a user interface
What's special about this is the fact that I can capture live video and send it onwards to another application. MY questions is... Is there the same class for audio recording? I'd like to capture sound from a user microphone. From what I see the flash.media.Sound does not let me equire local audio stream (like audio recorded from the user's microphone). Thank you!