



How to let AutoComplete in .NET Winforms 2.0 TextBox suggest even if the user input is contained in middle of the suggestion items?


Hi Digvijay,

Have you managed to track down an answer yet? I am currently looking to do the same thing.

Cheers, Brad

Hi Brad,No, i ended up using a ToolStripDropdown with a custom control in it (a ListBox). And i had to filter the contents of listbox and databinding to a DataTable and using a filter expression like _dvValues.RowFilter = "VALUE LIKE '%" + txtText.Text + "%'";where _dvValues is a DataView instance containing that table. That table was no more than a single column list of items i needed to display as suggestions.Its a overkill i know but can't do much with the requirements I have on the project.Hope that helps!Digvijay

Hi Digvijay. I can't find that ToolStripDropdown that you used. Perhaps it's an stupid question, ¿Is there a reference that I'm missing? Thank you. Joaquín.

Joaquín M