Like you suggest, one would expect the plaintext to be of some know format, e.g., a JPEG image, a PDF file, etc. The idea would be that it is very unlikely that a given ciphertext can be decrypted into both a valid JPEG image and a valid PDF file (but see below).
But it is actually not that important. When one talks about a cryptosystem being secure, one (roughly) talks about the odds of you being able to guess the plaintext corresponding to a given ciphertext. So I pick a random message m and encrypts it c = E(m). I give you c and if you cannot guess m, then we say the cryptosystem is secure, otherwise it's broken.
This is just a simple security definition. There are other definitions that require the system to be able to hide known plaintexts (semantic security): you give me two messages, I encrypt one of them, and you will not be able to tell which message I chose.
The point is, that in these definitions, we are not concerned with the format of the plaintexts, all we require is that you cannot guess the plaintext that was encrypted. So there is no step 3 :-)
By not considering your step 3, we make the question of security as clear as possible: instead of arguing about how hard it is to guess which format you used (zip, gzip, bzip2, ...) we only talk about the odds of breaking the system compared to the odds of guessing the key. It is an old principle that you should concentrate all your security in the key -- it simplifies things dramatically when your only assumption is the secrecy of the key.
Finally, note that some encryption schemes makes it impossible for you to verify if you have the correct key since all keys are legal. The one-time pad is an extreme example such a scheme: you take your plaintext m, choose a perfectly random key k and compute the ciphertext as c = m XOR k. This gives you a completely random ciphertext, it is perfectly secure (the only perfectly secure cryptosystem, btw).
When searching for an encryption key, you cannot know when you've found the right one. This is because c could be an encryption of any file with the same length as m: if you encrypt the message m' with the key *k' = c XOR m' you'll see that you get the same ciphertext again, thus you cannot know if m or m' was the original message.
Instead of thinking of exclusive-or, you can think of the one-time pad like this: I give you the number 42 and tell you that is is the sum of two integers (negative, positive, you don't know). One integer is the message, the other is the key and 42 is the ciphertext. Like above, it makes no sense for you to guess the key -- if you want the message to be 100, you claim the key is -58, if you want the message to be 0, you claim the key is 42, etc. One time pad works exactly like this, but on bit values instead.
About reusing the key in one-time pad: let's say my key is 7 and you see the ciphertexts 10 and 20, corresponding to plaintexts 3 and 13. From the ciphertexts alone, you now know that the difference in plaintexts is 10. If you somehow gain knowledge of one of the plaintext, you can now derive the other! If the numbers correspond to individual letters, you can begin looking at several such differences and try to solve the resulting crossword puzzle (or let a program do it based on frequency analysis of the language in question).