



I've made a copy of my production website for staging purposes. My Silverlight app is served on port 81, and tries to access a WCF service via SSL on port 2443. I've verified that the service is reachable by typing in the URL: -- I get the "you have created a service" page.

But when my SL app tries to execute an operation on the service, I get the famous "NotFound" exception in the End portion of my webservice client code:

   {System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
   at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalEndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.<>c__DisplayClass5.<EndGetResponse>b__4(Object sendState)
   at System.Net.Browser.AsyncHelper.<>c__DisplayClass2.<BeginOnUI>b__0(Object sendState)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Browser.AsyncHelper.BeginOnUI(SendOrPostCallback beginMethod, Object state)
   at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelAsyncRequest.CompleteGetResponse(IAsyncResult result)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.ServiceModel.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.SendAsyncResult.End(SendAsyncResult result)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.EndCall(String action, Object[] outs, IAsyncResult result)
   at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.ChannelBase`1.EndInvoke(String methodName, Object[] args, IAsyncResult result)
   at UtilServiceClient.UtilServiceClientChannel.EndTryAutoLogon(IAsyncResult result)
   at UtilServiceClient.UtilServiceReference.IUtilService.EndTryAutoLogon(IAsyncResult result)
   at UtilServiceClient.OnEndTryAutoLogon(IAsyncResult result)
   at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.OnAsyncCallCompleted(IAsyncResult result)}

I've modified clientaccesspolicy.xml as follows:

      <allow-from http-request-headers="*">
        <domain uri="http://*"/&gt;
        <domain uri="https://*"/&gt;
        <resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/>

Other things of note:

  • The production site serves an identical service on 443 without any issues

  • Using fiddler, I've verified that a CONNECT:2443 shows up at the right time.

  • I turned off the SSL requirement in IIS and modified the WCF configuration to remove Transport security, and modified the SL app to access the service on port 81 -- and it works.

  • I'm running IIS 6.

Is there some ju-ju I need to be able to access the service via port 2443?


It might be that you need to run httpcfg to get IIS to listen for SSL traffic on port 2443.

Shiraz Bhaiji
+4  A: 

Sigh. It had nothing to do with Silverlight: the problem was too-strict address filtering on the service endpoint. I added the following to my service class, and it all works:

[ServiceBehavior(AddressFilterMode = AddressFilterMode.Any)]

I discovered this by creating a Windows client to the service, which returned much more information about the error. The moral of the story is: don't rely on Silverlight to give you the whole picture!

Ben M
Wow. Been having this problem for a while and just decided to never use non-standard ports. This just solved a huge issue for me!