Here's what I've got so far-
$awards_sql_1 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 1') or die(mysql_error());
$awards_sql_2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 2') or die(mysql_error());
$awards_sql_3 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 3') or die(mysql_error());
$awards_sql_4 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 4') or die(mysql_error());
$loop = 1;
while($row_sections = mysql_fetch_array($sections_query)) {
$category = 1;
echo "<h3>" . $row_sections['section_name'] . " (Loop# $loop)</h3>";
while($categories = mysql_fetch_array(${"awards_sql_{$loop}"})) {
${"winners_sql_{$loop}"} = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 2009_RKR_bestof WHERE section = $loop && category = $category ORDER BY result_level ASC") or die(mysql_error());
echo "<h4><strong>{$categories['category_name']}</strong></h4>";
echo "<ul class=\"winners\">";
>> while($winners = mysql_fetch_array(${"winners_sql_{$loop}"})) {
switch ($winners['result_level']) {
case 1: $result_level = "Platinum"; break;
case 2: $result_level = "Gold"; break;
case 3: $result_level = "Silver"; break;
if (isset($winners['url'])) { $anchor = "<a href=\"http://{$winners['url']}\" target=\"_blank\">"; $close = "</a>"; }
echo "<li>$anchor{$winners['winner']}$close ($result_level)</li>";
echo "</ul>";
The result of this can be scene here-
Where I'm getting stumped, is I'm getting this thing to loop through correctly, my loop counter ($loop) is working, but when it gets time to spit out the actual reward recipients after the first loop through winners, it's only producing the category titles, the list-items are not getting looped out.
I added a little pointer to where I think the problem begins or centers around (>>).
My guess is I need to maybe unset a var somewhere, but I don't know, I can't see it.
Can someone help please? Thanks!