



So here is the problem.

I use Anchors as a non-refreshing way to allow bookmarking of currently view objects.


I use this so when updating the object id it doesn't try to do a refresh on the page.

Heres the rub.

I am using forms Authentication to handle access to these pages. So When you try to browse to the above link without having logged in first, it redirects you to the login page. Once you have been successfully authenticated it FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(...) you to the page you came from.

Except that it trunks the #objectid=10 bit off.

I have thought up a few hacks (set a cookie before the redirect to the login page and then read the cookie and update the link after the "RedirectFromLoginPage" is done) for getting around this, but was wondering if there was any real way to make FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage do what i actually want it to do.

So recap:

Thanks for the assist in advance,
