I have a class that inherits ActiveRecordValidationBase
that contains the following property:
public Decimal UnitCost { get; set; }
I also have a UnitCostTextBox that accepts input for said UnitCost.
What I would like to do is perform validation once using Castle's validators. However, it seems that before I can pass UnitCodeTextBox.Text
to my object, I will need to first convert it to a decimal first.
If I have an erroneous input, an exception will be thrown. So this means I still have to perform regex validations and converting the string to a decimal type before handing it over to Castle.ActiveRecord.
Doesn't this mean it's redundant to have a [ValidateDecimal]
since I've already sanitized UnitCost?
I'm wondering how do you guys do it? I have googled for examples, but most of them only handle [ValidateNonEmpty]
or [ValidateEmail]
which are all strings anyway, not different data types