



+1  Q: 

What is a stream

What is a stream in the programming world ? Why do we need it ? Kindly explain with the help of an analogy, if possible.

+7  A: 

A stream is already a metaphor, an analogy, so there's really no need to povide another one. You can think of it basically as a pipe with a flow of water in it where the water is actually data and the pipe is the stream. I suppose it's kind of a 2-way pipe if the stream is bi-directional. It's basically a common abstraction that is placed upon things where there is a flow or sequence of data in one or both directions.

In languages such as C#, VB.Net, C++, Java etc., the stream metaphor is used for many things. There are file streams, in which you open a file and can read from the stream or write to it; There are network streams where reading from and writing to the stream reads from and writes to an underlying established network connection. Streams for writing only are typcically called output streams, as in this example, and similarly, streams that are for reading only are called input streams, as in this example.

A stream can perform transformation or encoding of data (an SslStream in .Net, for example, will eat up the SSL negotiation data and hide it from you; A TelnetStream might hide the Telnet negotiations from you, but provide access to the data; A ZipOutputStream in Java allows you to write to files in a zip archive without having to worry about the internals of the zip file format.

Another common thing you might find is textual streams that allow you to write strings instead of bytes, or some languages provide binary streams that allow you to write primitive types. A common thing you'll find in textual streams is a character encoding, which you should be aware of.

Some streams also support random access, as in this example. A network stream, on the other hand, for obvious reasons, wouldn't.

  • MSDN gives a good overview of streams in .Net.
  • Sun also have an overview of their general OutputStream class and InputStream class.
  • In C++, here is the istream (input stream), ostream (output stream) and iostream (bidirectional stream) documentation.

UNIX like operating systems also support the stream model with program input and output, as described here.

+8  A: 

A stream represents a sequence of objects (usually bytes, but not necessarily so), which can be accessed in sequential order. Typical operations on a stream:

  • read one byte. Next time you read, you'll get the next byte, and so on.
  • read several bytes from the stream into an array
  • seek (move your current position in the stream, so that next time you read you get bytes from the new position)
  • write one byte
  • write several bytes from an array into the stream
  • skip bytes from the stream (this is like read, but you ignore the data. Or if you prefer it's like seek but can only go forwards.)
  • push back bytes into an input stream (this is like "undo" for read - you shove a few bytes back up the stream, so that next time you read that's what you'll see. It's occasionally useful for parsers, as is:
  • peek (look at bytes without reading them, so that they're still there in the stream to be read later)

A particular stream might support reading (in which case it is an "input stream"), writing ("output stream") or both. Not all streams are seekable.

Push back is fairly rare, but you can always add it to a stream by wrapping the real input stream in another input stream that holds an internal buffer. Reads come from the buffer, and if you push back then data is placed in the buffer. If there's nothing in the buffer then the push back stream reads from the real stream. This is a simple example of a "stream adaptor": it sits on the "end" of an input stream, it is an input stream itself, and it does something extra that the original stream didn't.

Stream is a useful abstraction because it can describe files (which are really arrays, hence seek is straightforward) but also terminal input/output (which is not seekable unless buffered), sockets, serial ports, etc. So you can write code which says either "I want some data, and I don't care where it comes from or how it got here", or "I'll produce some data, and it's entirely up to my caller what happens to it". The former takes an input stream parameter, the latter takes an output stream parameter.

Best analogy I can think of is that a stream is a conveyor belt coming towards you or leading away from you (or sometimes both). You take stuff off an input stream, you put stuff on an output stream. Some conveyors you can think of as coming out of a hole in the wall - they aren't seekable, reading or writing is a one-time-only deal. Some conveyors are laid out in front of you, and you can move along choosing whereabouts in the stream you want to read/write - that's seeking.

As IRBMe says, though, it's best to think of a stream in terms of the operations it offers (which vary from implementation to implementation, but have a lot in common) rather than by a physical analogy. Streams are "things you can read or write". When you start connecting up stream adaptors, you can think of them as a box with a conveyor in, and a conveyor out, that you connect to other streams and then the box performs some transformation on the data (zipping it, or changing UNIX linefeeds to DOS ones, or whatever). Pipes are another thorough test of the metaphor: that's where you create a pair of streams such that anything you write into one can be read out of the other. Think wormholes :-)

Steve Jessop
+1  A: 

In addition to things mentioned above there is a different kind of streams - as defined in functional programming languages such as Scheme or Haskell - a possibly infinite datastructure which is generated by some function on-demand.
