Thank you for looking, please ignore - all sorts of shenanigans are happening and I am trying to debug more.
Can anyone explain this behavior of realloc?
before realloc start: testing%20encryp
before realloc app: ' '
realloc size: 27
after realloc: testing%20e
strlen(newstr): 11
newstr: testing%20e
char * strAppend(char * start, char * app)
int i=strlen(start);
int j=0;
printf("before realloc start: %s\n", start);
printf("before realloc app: '%s'\n", app);
printf("realloc size: %i\n", i+strlen(app)+1);
char * newstr = realloc(start, sizeof(char) * (i + strlen(app) + 1));
printf("after realloc: %s\n", newstr);
while(app[j] != '\0')
newstr[i++] = app[j++];
printf("strlen(newstr): %i\n", strlen(newstr));
printf("newstr: %s\n", newstr);
return newstr; }
It's deleting "ncryp" from start after the realloc; but that's not supposed to happen....
Edit: More Code, More Output
char * urlEncode(char * c)
#ifdef EBUG
printf("urlEncode: Encoding '%s'\n", c);
int len = strlen(c)+1;
char * ret = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
memset(ret, 0, len);
int z=0;
char * escapee = malloc(sizeof(char) * 4);
escapee[0] = '%'; escapee[3] = '\0';
for(int i=0;i<strlen(c);i++)
printf("z = %i len = %i ret = %s\n", z, len, ret);
if(z >= len)
ret = strAppend(ret, " ");
len += strlen(" ");
printf("z = %i len = %i ret = %s\n", z, len, ret);
if ( (48 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 57) ||//0-9
(65 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 90) ||//
(97 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 122) || //ABC...XYZ
(c[i]=='~' || c[i]=='!' || c[i]=='*' || c[i]=='(' || c[i]==')' || c[i]=='\'')
ret[z++] = c[i];
char2hex(c[i], escapee);
ret = strAppend(ret, escapee);
z += 3;
ret[z] = '\0';
#ifdef EBUG
printf("urlEncode: Encoded string to '%s'\n", c);
return ret;
urlEncode: Encoding 'testing encrypt'
z = 0 len = 16 ret =
z = 0 len = 16 ret =
z = 1 len = 16 ret = t
z = 1 len = 16 ret = t
z = 2 len = 16 ret = te
z = 2 len = 16 ret = te
z = 3 len = 16 ret = tes
z = 3 len = 16 ret = tes
z = 4 len = 16 ret = test
z = 4 len = 16 ret = test
z = 5 len = 16 ret = testi
z = 5 len = 16 ret = testi
z = 6 len = 16 ret = testin
z = 6 len = 16 ret = testin
z = 7 len = 16 ret = testing
z = 7 len = 16 ret = testing
before realloc start: testing
before realloc app: '%20'
realloc size: 11
after realloc: testing
strlen(newstr): 10
newstr: testing%20
z = 10 len = 16 ret = testing%20
z = 10 len = 16 ret = testing%20
z = 11 len = 16 ret = testing%20e
z = 11 len = 16 ret = testing%20e
z = 12 len = 16 ret = testing%20en
z = 12 len = 16 ret = testing%20en
z = 13 len = 16 ret = testing%20enc
z = 13 len = 16 ret = testing%20enc
z = 14 len = 16 ret = testing%20encr
z = 14 len = 16 ret = testing%20encr
z = 15 len = 16 ret = testing%20encry
z = 15 len = 16 ret = testing%20encry
z = 16 len = 16 ret = testing%20encryp
before realloc start: testing%20encryp
before realloc app: ' '
realloc size: 27
after realloc: testing%20encryp
strlen(newstr): 26
newstr: testing%20encryp
z = 16 len = 26 ret = testing%20encryp
Last Edit:
I have no idea what is going on at the moment. Different runs of the program with and without debug flags produce different output. I'm going back to the drawing board and looking for memory errors using valgrind.