What is the best, simplest way to transfer a SQL Server db to MYSQL?
DTS? DTS was replaced by SSIS in SQL Server 2005, and was not "excellent" before that.
John Saunders
2009-08-03 14:28:21
Thanks for the correction, John. Apparently I'm basing my opinion on old information.
2009-08-03 21:33:19
The MySQL GUI Tools comes with the MySQL Migration Toolkit which will allow you to easily automate the task of transferring your database to MySQL.
The MySQL Migration Toolkit is free.
Not everything is transferable, and for the best results, you are always better of transferring manually.
Andrew Moore
2009-08-01 21:14:25
I used this tool (albeit with an MS Access legacy DB) and have good experience with it
Yuval A
2009-08-01 21:32:13
U can create a script file of your MSSQL db, then run it in MySQL with the help of MySQL GUI Tools
2009-08-01 21:18:23