



What's the difference between the space and > selectors? And possibly related, how can I look for something that's the direct child of something else, and not lower down the descendant line?

+14  A: 


  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2
      <li>Item 2.1</li>
      <li>Item 2.2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

For example

$("ul > li").addClass("blah");

adds class "blah" to 1 2 and 3 whereas:

$("ul li").addClass("blah");

add class "blah" to every list element.

I'm not sure what you're referring to with < and ? operators.

Does ul > li set all of them to "blah"? because you have a sub list which also has li children in a ul.
Nick Berardi
> means immediate children, not grandchildren or more.
ul > li matches the nested lists as well
Ty W
You should update your example to have the inner `ul` as an `ol` since your current code will not function as you describe (though technically correct).
Joel Potter
+3  A: 

In CSS, > means "direct child of": only nodes that are direct children are selected.

While a space means "any descendant of": direct children and children of those children could be selected.

I would wager jQuery uses the same convention.

Chris Holland

As already mentioned, a space will select any descendant, whereas > will select only immediate children. If you want to select only grandchildren or great-grandchildren, then you could use this:

#foo > * > * > .bar

(all elements with class "bar" which are great grandchildren of the element with id "foo")


look at this..

$(".testit > a") //match the first <a> tag below
$(".testit a") // matches all <a> tag below

<p class="testit">
  <a href="#">All the rules will match this</a>
    <a href="#">second rule can only select this</a>