



+5  A: 

Thera is sample how to programaticly working with Outlook: How to: Customize an Item Context Menu

+6  A: 

Based on the link TcKs provide, that was pretty simple. In the example below I check the type of the item so that it only affects e-mails and not calendar items. To enter the code in outlook, Type Alt + F11, then expand the Microsoft Office Outlook Objects in the Project pane. Then double click the ThisOutlookSession. Then paste this code into the code window. I don't like to check captions like this as you can run into issues with internationalization. But I didn't see an ActionID or anything on the Command. There was a FaceID but that is just the id of the printer icon.

Private Sub Application_ItemContextMenuDisplay(ByVal CommandBar As Office.CommandBar, ByVal Selection As Selection)

   Dim cmdTemp As Office.CommandBarControl

   If Selection.Count > 0 Then

      Select Case TypeName(Selection.Item(1))

         Case "MailItem"

            For Each cmdTemp In CommandBar.Controls

               If cmdTemp.Caption = "&Print" Then

                  Exit For

               End If

            Next cmdTemp

         Case Else

            'Debug.Print TypeName(Selection.Item(1))

      End Select

   End If

End Sub
Will Rickards