



I am sorry to ask this on here as I know it is like doing my homework for me but I have a very urgent requirement to implement a single VB.NET instance of an application on a terminal server. To do this I am using code from the Flawless Code blog. It works well, except in the code is written in C# and uses an anonymous method which is not supported in VB.NET. I need to rewrite the following so that I can use it as an event in VB.NET.

As I said, I wouldn't normally ask this type of homework question but I am really working against the clock.

static Form1 form;

static void singleInstance_ArgumentsReceived(object sender, ArgumentsReceivedEventArgs e)
            if (form == null)

            Action<String[]> updateForm = arguments =>
                    form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
            form.Invoke(updateForm, (Object)e.Args); //Execute our delegate on the forms thread!

I really appreciate any help.

+3  A: 


public void Somemethod()
    Action<String[]> updateForm = arguments =>
            form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

Would be the same as:

public void Somemethod()
    Action<String[]> updateForm = OnAction;

//named method
private void OnAction(string[] arguments)
    form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

Then you do the transition easily, to something like this:

Public Sub SomeMethod()

    Dim updateForm As Action(Of String()) = New Action(Of String())(AddressOf Me.OnAction)
    Me.form.Invoke(updateForm, New Object() { e })

End Sub

Private Sub OnAction(ByVal arguments As String())
    form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
End Sub
Thanks kek444, I think that I got it thanks you a combination of your answer and ondatra's answer....
+3  A: 

You can use this code:

Private Shared form As Form1

Private Shared Sub singleInstance_ArgumentsReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ArgumentsReceivedEventArgs)
    If form Is Nothing Then Return
    form.Invoke(New Action(Of String())(AddressOf updateFormMethod), e.Args)
End Sub

Private Shared Sub updateFormMethod(ByVal arguments As String())
    form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
End Sub
Hi Ondatra, thanks for the response, this looks like it could work however, when I try to implement it, I get a ''AddressOf' expression cannot be converted to 'System.Delegate' because type 'System.Delegate' is declared 'MustInherit' and cannot be created.' error. Again thank you for your help.
I'm sorry, I didn't notice the error. I have fixed the code.
Thanks Ondatra. That seems to work. Except now I keep getting that the form Is Nothing. I will work on that and let you know what I do to fix it. Once again, thanks to everyone who helped. I really appreciate it.
Hi Ondatra, I figured out the form issue but now I am getting a 'System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException was unhandled Message="Parameter count mismatch." Source="System.Windows.Forms"' error. Any ideas? Hate to keep asking but just feel that I am so close to an answer now with all the help on here. Thanks again.
I got it (I think). It was thanks to a combination of both Ondatra and kek444's answers. I had to change the line, form.Invoke(New Action(Of String())(AddressOf updateFormMethod), e.Args)to form.Invoke(New Action(Of String())(AddressOf updateFormMethod), New Object() {e.Args})Thanks again for all the help....
+2  A: 

In VB.NET in VS 2010 you can do the following:

Shared form As Form1
Shared Sub singleInstance_ArgumentsReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ArgumentsReceivedEventArgs)
    If form Is Nothing Then Return

    Dim updateForm As Action(Of String()) = Sub(arguments)
                                                form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
                                            End Sub

    form.Invoke(updateForm, e.args)

End Sub
Hi pb, thanks, I am using VS2008 however, it doesn't seem to like me declaring a Sub within a Sub. I get 'End Sub' must be preceded by a matching 'Sub'..