I'm having an issue within my application Pelotonics. When a user downloads a file the system seems to block all incoming requests until that file is done downloading. What is the proper technique to to open a download dialog box (standard from the browser), let the user start downloading the file, then while the file is downloading, let the user continue throughout the application.
The way we're getting the file from the server is we have a separate ASPX page that get's passed in a value through the query string, then retrieves the stream of the file from the server, then I add the "content-disposition" header to the Response and then loop through the file's stream and read 2KB chunks out to the response.outputstream. Then once that's done I do a Response.End.
Watch this for a quick screencast on the issue:
by the way, we're in ASP.NET and C#...
Thanks!!! Daniel