Databases are NOT faster. Think about it: In the end they store the data in the filesystem as well. So the question if a database is faster depends strongly on the access path.
If you have only one access path, which correlates with your file structure the file system might be way faster then a database. Just make sure you have some caching available for the filesystem.
Of course you do loose all the nice things of a database:
- transactions
- flexible ways to index data, and therefore access data in a flexible way reasonably fast.
- flexible (though ugly) query language
- high recoverability.
The scaling really depends on the filesystem used. AFAIK most file system have some kind of upper limit for number of files (totally or per directory), though on the new ones this is often very high. For hundreds and thousands of files with some directory structure to keep directories to a reasonable size it should be possible to find a well performing file system.
@Eric's comment:
It depends on what you need. If you only need the content of exact on file per query, and you can determine the location and name of the file in a deterministic way the direct access is faster than what a database does, which is roughly:
- access a bunch of index entries, in order to
- access a bunch of table rows (rdbms typically read blocks that contain multiple rows), in order to
- pick a single row from the block.
If you look at it: you have indexes and additional rows in memory, which make your caching inefficient, where is the the speedup of a db supposed to come from?
Databases are great for the general case. But if you have a special case, there is almost always a special solution that is better in some sense.